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本计划首要申请条件如下: • 公开给所有国家的人民申请(以色列除外)* • 主要申请人必须年满50岁或以上,其伴侣年龄不限。 • 40-50岁的申请者,需以居住为目的,投资价值至少60万的住宅房产。 • 年龄30-40岁的申请者,需符合以下其中一个条件,方可申请: - 子女(18岁以下)在砂劳越求学,或 - 申请者本人 / 伴侣在本地医药机构接受长期医疗服务。 *受马来西亚法律或任何与本计划有关机构的相关法规约束。
• 所有文件准备妥当后,向砂劳越旅游、艺术与文化部提交申请。
• 第二家园计划代理公司将会作为申请者的担保人。 • 申请者须有一定的经济能力来维持在砂劳越的生活质量。 • 所有申请人需通过以下其中一个途径证明自己的经济能力; 在砂劳越本地任何银行存入一笔定期存款 推荐 RM 300,000 (夫妻) RM 150,000 (个人) 年龄超过50岁者,出示自身国家提供的养老金证明 RM 10,000 (夫妻) RM 7,000 (个人) 年龄超过30岁者,出示海外收入证明 RM 10,000 (夫妻) RM 7,000 (个人) 参与计划期间,申请者须在本地银行存留最低存款金额。 RM 180,000 (夫妻) RM 90,000 (个人) • 申请者与其伴侣,在首次申请和每次更新时,需要个别提交个人身体健康检查报告做审核之用。 • 所有参与者不得在计划期间在马来西亚境内参与任何受薪工作或被聘,除非获得马来西亚移民局局长的批准。 • 申请者不得参与任何造成国家、州、当地居民、政治、传教等敏感性、挑衅性和威胁国家 / 州安全活动
申请者 (包括伴侣)
主要申请人履历 (一份)
MM2H 申请表 (各一份) IM.12 社会访问通行证申请表 (各一份) 护照复印件* (各一份) 主要申请者本国无罪证明信** (一份) 蓝色背景护照用照片 (各六份) *备注:一年内更换过护照者,请同时附上旧护照的复印本并验证 ** 仅限主要申请人。
推荐 RM 300,000 (夫妻) RM 150,000 (个人) 五十岁以上申请者,出示最近三个月本国政府批准之养老金证明一份 RM 10,000 / 月 (夫妻) RM 7,000 / 月 (个人) 三十岁以上申请者,出示个人海外(马来西亚以外)收入证明一份(需认证) RM 10,000 / 月 (夫妻) RM 7,000 / 月 (个人)
RB II 健康检查表格及附件 (各一份)
结婚证书复印件一份 (需英译,需认证)(如携带伴侣) 携带子女出生证明复印件 (需英译,需认证)
• 所有相关文件必须在砂劳越进行认证。可以进行认证的人士包括各国大使、高级官员、律师、公证人和宣誓官 • 所有证件原件非英文者,必须英译 • 健康检查必须在砂劳越政府注册的医疗机构进行。如在私人医疗机构进行,须获得政府医院 / 诊所的医生附加认证。
i. 个人护照有效期 ii. 新健康检查报告 (RB II 表格) 所有参与者 不可参与任何受薪工作或被雇佣,除非获得马来西亚移民厅总监的批准。 申请者不得参与任何照成国家、州、当地居民、政治、传教等敏感性、挑衅性和威胁国家/州安全活动。 在砂劳越本地银行内维持最低定期存款金额,即个人(RM 90,000)或夫妻(RM 180,000)
合格申请者,需注意以下事项: 所有合格申请者,每年必须居住在砂劳越至少15天,这是更新与延长我的第二家园计划签证的必备条件。 所有合格申请者及其家属在获得我的第二家园计划签证前,必须个别购买医药保险,并出示证明。
参与者在自愿的情况下,可在砂劳越各省购买价格不低与RM 600,000(古晋地区)或RM 500,000(其他省份)的住宅。 所购置的房产无需获得外国投资委员会(FIC)的批准
砂劳越第二家园计划允许申请者携带21岁以下未婚子女一同申请。 欲在砂劳越求学的子女必须通过本地官方认证的教育机构申请学生证并在居住期间投保。 申请第二家园计划时,申请书必须附上以下相关文件供审核: i. 提交申请时,申请人和子女必须一同出席 ii. 子女学生证附件(需认证) iii. 入学批准信和校长推荐信复印件 iv. 学生个人资料表(可在移民厅获取) v. 申请人护照原件和复印件 vi. 护照用照片一张 vii. 公立/私立教育机构/初高中学/小学/学前班/国际学校学生录取通知书 viii. 主要申请人/子女护照复印件 ix. 除国际学校外,需附上教育部推荐信
在马来西亚缴纳退休金者可免税 欲获得养老金免税的计划参与者,须提上交来自自己国家相关机构出事的年度养老金总额的说明信。
第二年起参与者可就以下其中一个目的提出部分(40%)定期存款: i. 购置房产 ii. 购买私家车 iii. 医疗费用 iv. 在砂劳越就读的子女教育费用 计划参与者必须在本地银行维持最低定期存款直到终止计划为止。 最低金额 RM 180,000 (夫妻) RM 90,000 (个人) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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What is a Will? A Will is a legal document you draw up to declare your wishes for your loved ones as to how you want your assets to be distributed after you passed on. WHY DO I NEED A WILL? Without a Will, your assets could give more troubles than benefit to your family at a time when they are most vulnerable. Your loved ones could be involved in a long drawn legal process or fighting in a complex legal battle with other family members. Without a Will, the law will decides who your beneficiaries, trustees and guardian would be. There is a legal process to go through before your loved ones can benefit from your assets. Leave nothing to chance. Make a Will and the law will protect your wishes. When someone passed on, under the Malaysian law his/her estate will be FROZEN and to unlock the frozen estate, the following are the legal administration process (in general with exception):- With a Will (Dies testate) - Apply Grant of Probate (GP) The Executor appointed in the Will need to apply GP at the High Court. The GP can be obtained within 3 months to 1 year. Once the GP is extracted and all debts of the deceased settled, the Executor will distribute the estate according to the Will. Without A Will (Dies intestate) - Apply Letter of Administration (LA) The legal beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate need to apply LA. One or two administrator(s) will need to be appointed for this purpose. Upon extraction of LA, the administrator(s) will distribute the net assets of the deceased (after settled all his debts) according to the Distribution Act 1958 (As amended in 1997). To apply for LA, the deceased’s family may need to fulfill certain requirements e.g. looking for 2 guarantors; the appointment of the administrator(s) need 100% consent from all legal beneficiaries; appointment of guardians for minors who will in-turn give consent to the appointment of administrator(s) etc, thus, this process could take 2 to 8 years and in between family contentions could occur. Without a valid Will, Firstly the deceased’s assets are frozen. His/her family, spouse and children might face cash flow problems while waiting for the extraction of LA. With the LA, all his assets will be distributed according to the Distribution Act 1958 (As amended as at 1997).
100% written consent is required from all lawful beneficiaries under the Distribution Act 1958 (Amended in 1997) for the appointment of the administrator(s). The administrator(s) who is chosen may not be the most suitable person to administer the estate. When there are minor beneficiaries, then, two administrators will be required before the court issues the LA. Guardians are appointed to decide for the minors as minors can not give written consent. B. TWO SURETIES REQUIRED Qualified guarantors are persons who have net worth value that is more or equivalent to the gross estate value of the deceased. The security may be by way of bond in the amount equivalent to the GROSS VALUE of the estate of the deceased.
You provide for your beneficiaries in the way you choose rather than letting the laws decides.
1. Require two guarantors
2. Conflict & problems faced over the appointment of administrator(s)
3. Legal Fees higher to apply for LA
4. Financial difficulties faced by the family as it takes more time to apply for LA
DO YOU KNOW ? Do you know? That when someone passes on, all his assets including his/her banks account (joint/sole name), CDs share accounts, properties, private limited shares, business will be FROZEN? Do you know? On 21/01/2007 it was reported in major newspapers, our then Deputy Prime Minister said there is a total of RM40 billion worth of unclaimed cash and assets left by the dead. To avoid the problem, he urged fellow countryman to write a Will to avoid facing problems of claiming FROZEN assets of the deceased (please refer to NEW STRAITS TIMES, SIN CHEW DAILY, dated 22/1/07). Have you ever wondered? That if both parents were to go together, who will step into the parent’s position to take care of the children’s education and welfare? Who will be the guardian? You may not know... That without a Will, your loved ones might have to wait for years; running around searching for the required two guarantors. You lose your RIGHT to appoint the executor of your choice to administer your estate & your preferred trustees for your minor children. You ought to know... That without a Will, your assets will be distributed in accordance to the Distribution Act 1958(As amended in 1997). Under the Act, your assets will be divided between your surviving spouse, children and parent(s) in a certain proportion (1/4, 1/2, 1/4). More problems arise if your parent(s) pass on soon after you. Your assets may be subdivided further between your brothers and sisters etc. Result? There will be many more additional claimants! Have you ever wondered? What will happen to your loved ones / dependants if they are unable to receive your assets in the shortest possible time after your demise? You may think... That you do not have much to give away. The truth is writing a Will has little to do with your net worth but everything to do with leaving a legacy of love and care. Do you know? 90% of your assets are without beneficiary(ies) & 90% of eligible Malaysians do not have a Will? Thus, there is an urgent need to write a Will. If not, the law will decide who your beneficiaries / trustee / guardian, NOT YOU! Assets may become FROZEN AND UNCLAIMED under the Law. Why leave it to the law when you can decide in a Will? Who Are Named in the will? What is his/her roll?
Have you ever wondered? Have you considered why you will make sure you have named beneficiaries for your insurance & Employees Provident Fund (EPF) payouts but omit to name beneficiary for your assets like house, bank a/c, car, land, shares etc? WHAT IS A TESTAMENTARY TRUST A testamentary trust (sometimes referred to as a will trust or trust under will) is a trust specified in a Will a person’s Will which arises upon the death of the testator. A will may contain more than one testamentary trust, and may address all or any portion of the estate. A testamentary trust goes into effect upon an individual's death and is commonly used when someone wants to leave assets to a beneficiary, but doesn't want the beneficiary to receive those assets until a specified time. Testamentary trusts are irrevocable. What is a testamentary trust? A testamentary trust is a trust contained in a last will and testament that provides for the distribution of all or part of an estate and often proceeds from a life insurance policy held on the person establishing the trust. There may be more than one testamentary trust per will. Who are testamentary trusts created for? Generally, testamentary trusts are created for young children, relatives with disabilities, or others who may inherit a large sum of money that enters the estate upon the testator's death. How is a testamentary trust created? A testamentary trust is provided for in a last will by the Testator, who appoints a “trustee” to manage the funds in the testamentary trust during the trust period until the “beneficiary,” or person receiving the money, takes over. When is a testamentary trust created? The trust kicks in at the completion of the probate process after the death of the person who has created it for the benefit of his or her children or others; note this differs from “inter vivos” trusts, which are created during the lifetime of the settlor. How long does a testamentary trust last? A testamentary trust lasts until it expires, which is provided for in its terms. Typical expiration dates may be when the beneficiary turns 25 years old, graduates from university, or gets married. In Malaysia, the maximum trust period is 80 years. Who can be the trustee of a testamentary trust? The person creating the trust may choose anyone, but it should be someone the person trusts to act in the best interests of the children or others receiving the trust funds. If, for any reason, the person chosen declines to take on the responsibility of trustee, someone else may volunteer or the court will appoint a trustee. WHO NEEDS A WILL?
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如何在马来西亚网上注册公司 在马来西亚注册公司的管理机构。 如果你打算创办一家新公司,并决定在马来西亚投资,那么你的决定是明智的。在过去十年左右的时间里,马来西亚的经济一直在稳步增长。而且它正迅速成为在亚洲内部开展业务最赚钱的国家之一。 无论你打算在马来西亚做什么样的生意,你都需要注册你的公司。许多想要创业的企业家常常在注册过程中遇到困难。因此,这篇文章将让你更容易在马来西亚注册一家公司。经马来西亚公司委员会批准注册的公司。 股东和资格
如何在马来西亚注册公司a - z流程 100%的外资 在马来西亚,有两种类型的业务类别将建议形成。第一个是100%外资,资本需要50万。如果你想进入进出口业务,那么你需要100万RM的资金。同样的数字也适用于开餐馆或任何形式的贸易业务。 合资 资本,RM 350K,如果是合资公司,建议合资公司拥有51%的股权。这适用于马来西亚合作伙伴。没有更多的授权资本作为修正案。 公司名称 所有公司,无论是本地或外国所有权公司注册由SSM。在那里,注册公司的第一步是提出“名称核准”。你需要遵守公司的命名规则。它们不能包含CCM提供的任何限制字。最后的公司名称应以“Sdn Bhd”结尾。 为什么叫Sdn Bhd Sdn和Bhd是马来语术语,称为私有有限公司。例如,名称应该是ABC SDN BHD来代替ABC LIMITED。一旦注册完成,一个数字将作为身份。那是你的正式文件、信件和名片。CCM的所有表格和说明均以英文提供给全球投资者。 在线提交 一旦您清除了冠名权,您将需要准备提交SSM的文件。您需要提供的第一件事是所有股东的姓名和详细信息。根据1965年的公司法,至少有一个股东需要成立公司。股份制公司有利于银行经营和决策。 注册Sdn Bhd公司需要多长时间? 如果提议的名字被拒绝将会花费更长的时间。 成立公司需要多少股东? 至少1名股东。 除公司注册外,还需要多少许可证? 招牌,前提,出口,进口,清真,环境需要。 外国人可以持有公司的全部股份吗? 是的,外国人可以持有自己公司的全部股份。 我需要在马来西亚成立公司吗? 没有必要的。你可以在海外注册。 Sdn Bhd代表什么? Sendirian Berhad(马来语),意为私人有限公司。 外国人可以注册个人独资吗? 不,不能。只有Sdn Bhd公司可以注册。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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